I currently ship from Malaysia :)
I currently have my shop in USD so that our international frens can shop here and for local frens you can choose cash payment at check out to pay via PayNow/Paylah. :) We currently don't ship within Malaysia yet as we're prepping another website just for our Malaysia frens, truly sorry for the inconvenience!
First of all, I'm so sorry this happen to you, although I really wanted you to have a pleasing shopping experience, unfortunately, I am currently a one man show, so mistake like this is unavoidable. But please do contact and inform me through my IG: @pinkonweekend or through my email: pinkonweekend@gmail.com, so that I can make the neccessary arrangement for you.
As I mentioned before, I am a one woman show, it will take me around 3-7 days to process your order. And thank you so much for your patience.
For shipping information, please check the shipping and return info. As much as I really want you to have a pleasant shopping experience, but once the items are shipped, there are nothing much I can do to expedite the process.
Not to worry, if you have place the wrong address or info, just inform me on my IG: @pinkonweekend or contact me through my email: pinkonweekend@gmail.com and I will help you to make the changes.
Please read the UK and EU shipping info.
Unfortunately, as we moved to Malaysia, we haven't found a better shipping option for you, so for now we only be able to ship using Registered Package, it will be slightly expensive compare to our normal rates but it will reach you much more faster. We do offer free shipping for order above $120 as well! We hope we be able to find better alternative for you in the near future.
No worries, if you have anymore question, you can just contact me through IG: @pinkonweekend or contact me through my email: pinkonweekend@gmail.com